Corona virus and cytokynin storm and hypersestivity
All docotors say that the main problem of corona virus is the hard response of the immune system against the virus and the lung tissue especially bronchii and brochiles so they use chroroquine to decease the immune system response
And to decease the cytokynase storm
Besides ventilations
I think the world will try to use plant inhalation with or without chroroquine to overcome the corona virus rapidally as inhalation may reach the lung rapidally and the inhalation may contain antiiflamtory dtlrugs or corticosterides beside........
And to decease the cytokynase storm
Besides ventilations
I think the world will try to use plant inhalation with or without chroroquine to overcome the corona virus rapidally as inhalation may reach the lung rapidally and the inhalation may contain antiiflamtory dtlrugs or corticosterides beside........