A combination therpy is asuccessful new way to defeat corona virus.
Look good to these bottles.
The solution may be you see them together
No to see every one bottle.
Fisrt Do you heared about a combination thereby which was very sucessful method for many medical problems.
First a combination therepy is to use two or more drugs together to get the higher effcicay of all these drugs.
Today in china avery important issue about corona virus was discovered.
Scientists from hong kong tried to use athree drugs in a combination to get rid of corona virus they use ritovair which was used in HIV treatment with ribavirin which is aproduct that have general antiviral properties with interferon beta which is used in mutiple scleroisis with immune booster agents like vit c and vit H
And the patients with corona virus succeded to get complete eradication of the virus from the body for 5 days only in compaison with other patients following other protocls of treatment this may be the most suitable method of treatment of covid 19 virus from the begining of the panademic.