Chloroquine inhaltion to fight covid 19

Scientists suppose that we need to develop Anew method of drug adminstration to be able to fight corona virus infections this may be for two reasons
The first reason is
The efficay of the tablet forms may be less when we use inhaltion or vials
The second reason
The side effects of orally taken drugs such as chloroquine on some cardic patients
Scientists hope that they will develop A combination of some products in aform of inhaltion mainly from chloroquine due to the effects on the ph change that prevent the covid 19 virus from more replications in the cells and this may make the immune system more strong to make acomplete eradication of the virus besides quinine the source of chloroquine some other antimicrobial plants and anti infamtory plants also may added to help for cells recovery in the lung. 


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة


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