If you Infected with corona virus? Things to do
First if you have one or two markable symptoms of corona virus infections such as
Temperature more than 38 for more than two days with improvement with paracerltamol
2nd if you have difficulty in breathing
If you have mild symptoms like cold you should do the following instructions
1_ Be isolated from others in your home for 14 days.
2_ Drink lemon and warm drinks like anise that improve you immunity
3_Take paracetamol tablet 3 times daily
4_Take vit c tablets and vit H tablets two times daily.
5_ Eat well and healthy food like vegetables and fruits.
6_If Symptoms begin to improve continue complete Isolation for two weeks
But if the symptoms increased and dangerous symptoms like difficulty in breathing occur you must refer to the nearest hospital
Temperature more than 38 for more than two days with improvement with paracerltamol
2nd if you have difficulty in breathing
If you have mild symptoms like cold you should do the following instructions
1_ Be isolated from others in your home for 14 days.
2_ Drink lemon and warm drinks like anise that improve you immunity
3_Take paracetamol tablet 3 times daily
4_Take vit c tablets and vit H tablets two times daily.
5_ Eat well and healthy food like vegetables and fruits.
6_If Symptoms begin to improve continue complete Isolation for two weeks
But if the symptoms increased and dangerous symptoms like difficulty in breathing occur you must refer to the nearest hospital