
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2020

Corona virus patients and the most dangerous type

From the start of corona virus panadmic and uptil now we can divide corona virus patients to three types according to the severity of symptoms and the ability to be more contagious. 1_ Carriers of the disease with any symptoms They represent 85% of all cases and they are in avery low risk. But they are contagious but the infection from them is very very weak even it occur. 2_ patients with asimple symptoms such as athore throat, burning sensation, dry mouth, itchy nose with loss of the sense of smell and taste they represent 10% Of all cases and they are in alow risk but they are contagious. 3_ The most dangerous and serious type They are patients with respiratory symptoms they represent 5% from the total cases with symptoms like tightness and tremors in chest, dry cough, high fever, diarhea, difficulty in breathing these patients are very very dangerous as they are very contagious, nealy all of their relatives in the same place will infected with corona virus they are eligible...

Egyptian dactor protocol against covid 19

This is aprotocol for corona virus treatment to use it at home because of the increase of corona virus drugs infection in egypt So one of the egyptian doctors give his medical opinion for tratment.

How to make advertisement from home in 7 seconds 2020


Viagra and corona virus relation

Viagra all of all know this name good I think all males know all things about viagra which is used widely and commonly for the problems of sexual life Commonly all the world use viagra to increase the erection and to get asexual relation more and more stronger as Viagra or sildenafil increse the blood flow to the penis so increase the erection during sexual course. In 1990 Scientists found that nitric oxide which is the main component of viagra may be useful for neonates with cvs problems and used it to provide the neonates oxygen and nitrogen. The newly researchs now are trying to use viagra for corona virus patients to provide them with oxygen and blood through nitric oxide gases as the patients with corona virus has alow percentage of oxygen and blood in the lung also nitric oxide make relaxation to the lung tissue which makes the lung cells relax this may provide more oxygen and blood reachs to these cells.

Egypt and corona virus panadmic

Nowadays all Egyptian people are worried about corona virus infection due to the higher increase of both Number of infected cases Number of deathes by cov 19 Till the begining of march egypt have avery low number of infection by cov 19 And all Egyptian was certained that the number of cases and deathes in april will decrease but the numbers increased in avery high ratio From my point of view the only important reason for this increase is unconciousness for many poor layers and now hospitals and doctors in egypt is at ahigher pressure due to the increase of the cases..

Ad5-nCoV The vaccine available for covid 19

Ad5-nCoV Remember this name good....  It may be the name of the Vaccine that save milliones of people from death by cov 19 fatal virus China announced that the  Ad5-nCoV vaccine for covid 19 was succedede in it. s two phases  Phase 1 and phase 2 and the vaccine now in the last phase and the experiment on the vaccine was done on 104 persons with higer efficacy and very low and simple side effects like increse in body temperature for two days and general weakness but this symptoms disappeared after two days The  Ad5-nCoV Vaccine makes antibodies against covid 19 virus completly after 3 weeks which makes complete protection against covid 19 virus China annonuced that the Vaccine will be ready at september with milliones of doses.. 

Chloroquine as prophylaxis for corona virus and mechanism of action against covid 19

Chloroquine or qunine plant the most used soluation nowadays used for the covid 19 panademic. First we all know that chloroquine is used widly for treatment of malaria the fatal parasite that killed thousands of people Nowadays Scientists discovered that the main strength point of chloroquine against covid 19 that chloroquine prevents covid 19 from entering to the cells so it prevents the replication of the virus inside the cells so the gain the Idea of using chloroquine as prophylaxis In usa and several countries chloroquine nowadays used for medical persons which in contact to corona virus patients They use it as follow Twice daily for the first day Then used once for all the period of contacts with patients of corona virus.

Drugs you must take if u infected with crora

First if you have corona virus infection You must isolate your self and take the following drud Paracetamol 3 times daily Zinc tab  before bed time Vit D twice daily Vit c twice daily Azithromycin 500 once daily Oplex syrup 3 times daily With keeping healthy foods and drink Like vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water and drinks full of vit c.

Chloroquine inhaltion to fight covid 19

Scientists suppose that we need to develop Anew method of drug adminstration to be able to fight corona virus infections this may be for two reasons The first reason is The efficay of the tablet forms may be less when we use inhaltion or vials The second reason The side effects of orally taken drugs such as chloroquine on some cardic patients Scientists hope that they will develop A combination of some products in aform of inhaltion mainly from chloroquine due to the effects on the ph change that prevent the covid 19 virus from more replications in the cells and this may make the immune system more strong to make acomplete eradication of the virus besides quinine the source of chloroquine some other antimicrobial plants and anti infamtory plants also may added to help for cells recovery in the lung. 

Smoking and corona virus? What is the fact?

From the picture you know what iam meaning logically The logic fact about smoking it. s harmeful to our lung, body and our health And the logic thing when you need to find the relation between smoking and covid19 infection. That smoking increase the incidence of the corona virus infections you to the number of time the cigarette will touch your mouth and your hand so the incidence of infection may increase also some smokers uses the same tools of smoking In addition to the bad effects of smoking to the lung especially and the respiratory system generally. All these words was awords of logic and medicine But what asurprise you feel if you know that all of these facts may become lies Some scientists in paris discovred that nicotine may be able to kill corona virus and may smoking help smokers to overcome corona virus and new studied about this issue will be confirmed nearly.

A combination therpy is asuccessful new way to defeat corona virus.

Look good to these bottles.  The solution may be you see them together No to see every one bottle.  Fisrt Do you heared about a combination thereby which was very sucessful method for many medical problems.  First a combination therepy is to use two or more drugs together to get the higher effcicay of all these drugs.  Today in china avery important issue about corona virus was discovered.  Scientists from hong kong tried to use athree drugs in a combination to get rid of corona virus they use ritovair which was used in HIV treatment with ribavirin which is aproduct that have general antiviral properties with interferon beta which is used in mutiple scleroisis with immune booster agents like vit c and vit H And the patients with corona virus succeded to get complete eradication of the virus from the body for 5 days only in compaison with other patients following other protocls of treatment this may be the most suitable method of treatment of covid 19...

How to Be full protected from covid 19?

First thing do you think that there is away to be fully or hundred percent to be protected from corona virus infections? I think there is only one way the only way is (social distancing) What we mean by social distancing? It means to keep asuitable distance between any one you meet some say it must to be two metres to keep you completely safe. The other way may keep you safe by no completely the use of facemasks as you go out side home but you must know that you are not completely protected as virus may infect you through your eyes..

The Role of Vit c in Protectin and treatment of corona virus infections

Vit c or Ascorbic acid Where we can get it? Which impoortance of vit c? And arole of it against corona virus? The first thing Vit c is atype of vitamine which is necessary for our body we find it in lemon, guva, kiwi fruit, mango, tomato, brochcoli, bell papers, stawberries, papyaa, snow beas and other fruits All we listen that if you have acold or influenza virus all will give you advice to drink lemon juice or juva as it increse you immune system response and make you speedy recovery but what. s the fact? Really Vit c has abig role and very higher impoortance than you know The first thing. 1_ it. S responsible for the production of phagocytes and t cells which are Component of your immune system and the body uses then against microbes and infections. 2_ It. S responsible for the production of cantine and collagen which are the most important components to keep the vitality of the cell. 3_ Vit c or Ascorbic acid is one of the most important antioxdants that protects the body...

Does Herd Immunity will end corona virus panademic?

The first question every one asks what. s the herd immunity means and how it effects corona virus panademic? First the herd immunity is atype of indirct immunity that occur for higher amount of population it occurs by two ways The first way by vaccination for apopulation of acountry which gives acertain immunity against infections 2nd by previous infections for large percentage population which makes people who are infected have an immune response against aknown infection But how this can be useful aganist the war that the world now struggle aganist corona virus panademic.  All of us agree that getting avaccine needs atime due to using anew Vaccine must contain criteria that confirm safety and the Vaccine production also include three phases so the first way to develop aherd immunity through vaccination needs some time. The second way through previous infections is the way that may be the solution by developing an immune response against the covid19 infections All we reali...

The mechanism of the newly drugs for corona virus infections

The scientists are working very hard to find asolution to the big danger that faces whole world due to the higher infection rates and the higher mortality of corona virus  The scientis are working in Two ways 1_Discover avaccine which is the best option but needs more time what means more mortality 2_To discover a medication that stops the virus replication in the human body and save the infected people For the first way the biggest medical Organizations and universities are working hard to develop avaccine which is effective and in ashort time  The university of oxford annonunced that they are in the last satges of the production of the new vaccine known by  Chadox n1cov19 Also china annonunced that new vaccine will be presented nearly The second way about the medication shown a use of different medication such as chroroquine only or chroroquine with azithromycin as acombination.  Also antivial drugs used such as favipiravir and remedisver vials are now u...

If you Infected with corona virus? Things to do

First if you have one or two markable symptoms of corona virus infections such as Temperature more than 38 for more than two days with improvement with paracerltamol 2nd if you have difficulty in breathing If you have mild symptoms like cold you should do the following instructions 1_ Be isolated from others in your home for 14 days. 2_ Drink lemon and warm drinks like anise that improve you immunity 3_Take paracetamol  tablet 3 times daily 4_Take vit c tablets and vit H tablets two times daily. 5_ Eat well and healthy food like vegetables and fruits. 6_If Symptoms begin to improve continue complete Isolation for two weeks But if the symptoms increased and dangerous symptoms like difficulty in breathing occur you must refer to the nearest hospital

The best daily update for COVID19 Virus

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus This site is the best site to be updated with all about corona virus infections The site presents all countries with corona virus cases with update The site gives newly cases of corona virus infections daily The site only gives newly deathes occures in every  country and gives the total of deathes through every country from the begin of the panademic The site also gives no of the cases which Recovered daily and the sum of all Recovered people through the world. The site also gives no of corona virus tests done in every country..

Why corona kill us? How immune system response?


Mugworts (Artemisia) Most avilable soluation for covid_19

Mugworts or artemisia amagic plant What is Mugworts It. S alarge  genus of plants that have more than 200 species The main content of artemisia is cinole, santonin, artemisien In the past people use this magic plants to prevents body worms as anthelemintic and used it for GIT problems Recently in 2004 some resechers confirmed that it. S very effective against viral infections especially sars cov virus And other researches confirmed the use of the magic plant in treatment of T. B Nowadays as the world face the problem of corona virus some studies put this plant in first of products under trails some countries such as kenya.,madghasker uses the artemisia in prophylaxis and treatment and they said that it. S gives wonderful results..

Chroroquine (qunine) inhaltion for corona virus

The new studies about corona virus drugs May be gives attention to inhalation due to to reasones First reason the side effects for tablet as chroroquine which side effects may be fatal with patients with cardic problems Second, the efficacy and the onset of action may be more rapid in the case of using inhaltion than tablet so use of chroroquine (qunine) inhaltion is more safe and may be the correct choice in treatment of the fatal virus.

COVID 19 Mortality

Every one asks how corona virus can kill me? The answer is by respiratory failure But what is the mechanism? First corona virus infections effects both Upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract infections Second  the lower respiratory tract infections may be fatal as it. s responsible for the respiration and gas exchange that occure mainly in lung When the virus reaches the lung the gas exchange will stop and respiratory failure will occur

SERIA A And corona

No body can deny that the problem of corona virus infections has abig effect in all activities and actions But some countries like italy because the corona virus was fatal and hundreds died The effect was horrible The infections of corona virus dosn. T effect The normal people only but the stars of the italian foobtall also effected Paulo dybala which is the star of juventus football club has infected Also plaise matudi and rogani other stars of juventus club also infected But italy still struggle against the bad virus vcourageously and may we see the seria a again on tv nearly

The First drug approved from FDA to Covid panademic

Geliad company on of the biggest pharmacetical companies in the world especially in the viral medication They have aleading experience in developing amedications aganist hepatities cwhich is known by the trade name (Sovaldi) The company annouced that they were able to develop anew medication against corona virus in the form of vials Eleven vials only from remidisver Can save miliiones of lives Especially dangerous cases The company annouced that the vials are ready for use in many countries around the world and usa begin to use it with succesful rate near 100%


Do you should take your clothes off after getting back to? Do you should wash your body and your hair? The answer to this qusetions Is  Social Placing If you keep your self away from people you don. t need to wash your hair and body or clothes you only should wash your hands Corona virus settle for 30 minutes in the air But the availablity to settle on clothes and hair is very rare due to the slow motion of our bodied that prevents the virus particles to be close from your body or hair To be carry the virus on your clothes or your hair you should move by the speed of acar....

Who generated the Corona Virus?

One of the most difficult qustions The world is needing to know Who generated the virus? Who manufactured the virus? It. s  abiologic  war or it. s the other face of the nature? The respones to these questions You can find if you take in mind The presence of SARS The presence of spanish flu The presence of swine flow If these types of virus was manufactured So corona virus may be also manufactured If these viruses was abiolgic war So corona virus is abiologic war Finally corona virus is afatal virus From the nature not from China or usa....

Why Corona virus effects USA hardly

Scientists suggested that why Corona virus Mortality is very high at usa in comparison With with other countries The most logic propsal that the climate in usa is the most suitable climate for the replication of the virus is in usa Second usa and england stopped vaccination against polio and T. B  from 2004 up till now than other poor countries

How Can I get the trusted news about corona virus in my country and the world


BCG vaccination against corona virus

There is avery impoortant Qusetion Does BCG Vaccine Works aganist corona virus There is Abig study in Austrilla That countries recently gives Milliones Of doses aganist T. B were less effected By corona virus and number of deaths Very low in Comparison with countries That stopped BCG vaccination The most logic explanitaionis That BCG vaccination make The immune System more ready to face corona virus And the cytokynase storm will be Less dangerous on the lung So the immune system response will overcome the corona virus